How to Divide Assets Between Beneficiaries

beneficiary assets

The simplest option when it comes to leaving property to your children is to divide everything equally. That is the clear choice when all your children are doing equally well. But if not – if, for example, your son is a starving artist with mouths to feed and your childless daughter has made millions on […]

Special Needs Planning For Your Loved One

special needs planning

Sometimes referred to as supplemental needs trusts, third-party special needs trusts are estate planning tools for parents of children with disabilities and the elderly. This type of trust will receive assets from you or another benefactor expressly for that person with a disability. Goals include: leaving funds for your child’s or elderly family member’s benefit […]

The Risk of Online Do-It-Yourself Estate Plans

do-it-yourself estate plan

We hear this question all the time: “Can’t I just grab a will off the internet, do a transfer-on-death deed for my land, put my kids on my bank account, and be done with my estate plan?” It’s just not a good idea. For the plan to work as you would want it to, it […]

How to Handle Cryptocurrency in Your Estate Plan

cryptocurrency estate plan

As many as 46 million Americans own the most popular and well-known crypto asset, Bitcoin, according to Florida Today. Bitcoin was created in January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. This digital or virtual currency is held secure using cryptography, making it nearly impossible to double-spend or counterfeit. What is Cryptocurrency? […]

Be Prepare for the Unexpected with a Living Will

Your preferences for life-sustaining medical treatment can be outlined in a living will. A living will is often joined by a health-care proxy or power of attorney, which allows someone to make treatment decisions for you if you are incapacitated and the living will does not have specific instructions for the situation at hand.  “Living […]

Tips on What You Can Do for a Family Member in Need

Substance abuse, suffering from mental disability, or living on the streets are just some of the real-life issues people are grappling with today. Many families want to assist family members struggling like that, but families are unsure how to offer that assistance, given that money might hurt more than help. Especially inheritances, which can come […]

How Does the Probate Process Work?

The probate process involves authenticating the deceased individual’s will, assessing the assets, settling debts and taxes, and oversee the allocation of the inheritance. After an asset-holder dies, the court will appoint a valid will’s executor to administer the probate process. In the absence of a will, the court will appoint a state administrator to handle […]

Britney Spears’ Conservatorship

Britney Spears started her career with the Mickey Mouse Club at the tender age of eight. Later, when she was in her twenties, she was reported as having a bit of an emotional melt-down and ended up spending some time in an institution. At that time, given that she couldn’t care for herself and her […]

Estate Planning Considerations for Special Needs Children

Current medical and health care advancements have made it possible for dependents with special needs to live more useful lives than ever before. Many scientists regard the term special needs as a euphemism for disability. Yet, the difference between the two terms is primarily one of acceptance and preference as both terms describe the four […]

Be Prepared When Crisis Hits

Many Americans have been left confused and unprepared during the global coronavirus pandemic. There are numerous reports of shortages of antibacterial hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and even toilet paper. While we can’t predict when something like COVID-19 might strike, we can take steps to prepare for an unexpected crisis to help reduce the stress on […]