What You Need to Know About Decluttering and Downsizing for Your Loved One

It can be difficult to say goodbye to the things we own. Older adults might have an even harder time doing so because many of their possessions may hold decades of meaning or sentimental value, and the thought of parting with these mementos can bring up a lot of unexpected emotions. At some point, however, […]

Tips for Handling an Out-of-State Probate

Losing a loved one is an emotional and life-changing experience. You might be tasked with the responsibility of settling the estate while also grieving your loss. It can be a challenging time in anyone’s life. However, it becomes complicated when you must go through probate for out-of-state property. Many people move to various states throughout […]

The Best Ways to Maintain Independence as a Sandwich Generation Caregiver

Taking on the task of caregiver for an older or dependent adult can be challenging and stressful. It can also be rewarding. Knowing you’re contributing to your loved one’s quality of life is a good feeling. However, the burden of providing the care and assistance someone else needs can sometimes seem like too much to […]

How Can I Add My Vacation Home to My Estate Plan?

You finally bought that vacation home you’ve always wanted. How can you add it to your estate plan? When it comes to planning your estate, a vacation home is very different from your primary home. Here are some things you should consider. Who Is on the Title? When you purchase the property, you should consider […]

The Best Ways to Plan for Alzheimer’s

Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another progressive form of dementia is always devastating for everyone involved. It is never easy to wrap your head around the changes that will gradually make life more challenging for you and your family.  If you have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it is important to […]

Estate Planning Is More Important Than Ever in These Uncertain Times

Truth be told, none of us knows what the future holds. The outcome of US tax legislation proposals remains highly uncertain. It is unclear whether estate and gift tax exemptions will be cut in half, but whatever happens will affect all deaths and transfer of wealth after December 31, 2021. As part of your asset […]

Unwanted Timeshare Interest: How to Handle It

After Mom and Dad purchased a timeshare in a holiday resort, the resort agent suggested they go into a deed transferring ownership to their children, so that when they pass, the kids can continue to enjoy the home. It seemed like a good idea at the time.    Sadly, after mom and dad passed away, […]

Planning For the Future of Seniors and Their Loved Ones

According to the 2021 Wills and Estate Planning Study of 2,400 Americans by Caring.com with YouGov, the percentage of Americans aged fifty-five and older who have created a will has decreased from sixty percent to forty-four percent since 2019. As surprising as this decrease is the fact that younger adults are now 63 percent more […]

You’re Never Too Young to Start Your New York Estate Plan

It is fairly typical for young adults, even those with professional careers aged thirty or more, to believe they are too young to concern themselves with estate planning. Young adults in their twenties and thirties often think they don’t own enough to constitute an estate. However, an estate is the total of all you own […]

Estate Planning with Your Parents

Estate planning is one of the most challenging topics to discuss with our parents. Just bringing the topic up can be daunting. Despite the challenging nature of this subject, it is one of the most important conversations we can have with our parents. Having an estate plan in place can reduce confusion and anxiety at […]