Queens, New York Attorney’s

Miller & Miller Law Group PLLC is happy to provide the residents in Queens, New York with a range of legal services. Miller & Miller Law Group PLLC is a law firm located within Brooklyn but has specialized in working within Queens as well. With over 35 years of experience in the area, they have been able to gain an immense amount of experience in this borough. Population wise, Queen is just right behind Brooklyn as the second largest borough in New York City. The area is amazing and we have enjoyed working with the residents who live here.

Miller & Miller Law Group PLLC’s main practice areas include:

Elder Law encompasses the legal needs that our senior citizens deserve. Under the umbrella of elder law, the three major categories includes: Estate Planning, Guardianship, and Medicaid Planning. Many of these services includes creating trusts and wills as well as planning for long-term care. It is extremely important that you are prepared for anything situation.

For more information on our legal services in Queens, click through the links above. For further questions, or if you would like to request a consultation, please feel free to give us a call at 718-875-2191 or fill out our online contact form.